New Season, New You: 5 Ways To Clear Your Mind And Space For Spring
Spring is the perfect time to clear your mind and space for a fresh start. If you are anything like me, once the end of March hits, it feels as if a big heavy blanket has been lifted and you can start to feel alive again. January and February have always been rough months for me, and once spring hits it’s the perfect time to set intentions for a fresh new start, and I’m all for it!
Usually, spring is associated with spring cleaning, and while that is part of this list, I want to discuss other ways you can clear not only your space but your MIND, for the new season. In this blog post, I will discuss 5 simple ways you can do this that might not be that obvious. Let’s say goodbye to the gray, wintery, drab, and welcome the fresh, beautiful, fab!
1. Declutter the not-so-obvious spaces
While I won’t say that “decluttering” has become a trend, I will say that it is quite popular right now in terms of making our spaces as free and accessible as possible for us. But I want you to think about the not-so-obvious spaces that might need to be decluttered that can clear your mind. Here are a few examples or you can check out this list.
Your Purse and Wallet – Are you a receipt hoarder like me? Let’s tackle that. Throw away old receipts, expired coupons, and any unnecessary trash that has been hiding out in your wallet or purse. Ditch those empty chapsticks, and make space for new energy to flow!
Your Trunk – Spring and summer mean outdoor time and travel! You’ll want to make sure your trunk is ready to go for the season. I saw these cute trunk organizers on Amazon that I just had to share with you. I can’t use them right now with a stroller in my trunk, but I definitely will soon!
Your Medicine Cabinet – Go through your medicine cabinet and safely discard any expired medications, ointments, lotions, etc. I know this one is not done as often as it needs to be in my house! How about you?
Your Make-Up Area – Ladies, we all know how this goes. We try the latest product, end up not liking it as much as we thought we would, and then we store it “just in case.” Here’s the kicker…there probably isn’t going to be a “just in case,” so find a new home for it or trash it! I recently just cleaned out my vanity and I feel SO much better.
I have a list of twenty no-so-obvious spaces that you can declutter in your home to get ready for spring. Check it out below!
Download The SPRING RESET No-So-Obvious Decluttering Checklist for FREE
2. Prioritize an activity that brings you peace
This one might sound silly, but just trust me. I’m not preaching self-care here, I’m just encouraging you to find ONE thing that brings you peace and try to do it. It doesn’t have to be yoga, or walking, or journaling, (although it can be!) but do SOMETHING that makes your soul feel good.
It can be organizing a closet, laying on your bed and looking at the ceiling with a face mask on, or creating something. Whatever it is, make a little bit of time for it, even if it’s just ten minutes. It will help you have something to look forward to each day because it’s something that YOU chose to do that brings YOU peace. No one else. YOU.
One thing that I have been loving to do is listen to podcasts on Spotify while I wash dishes or walk. Now, if you ask me to do one of those things on its own, I’d be bored. I need something else to pair with it. So I decided to take an activity that I really don’t like doing and pair it with something that I enjoy. This makes the time go faster.
I also love listening to music! If you need a good playlist to listen to while decluttering or cleaning, check out my SPRING RESET playlist on Spotify. It’s a mixture of oldies, top hits, 90’s country…you name it! I’m a firm believer that music is free therapy.
3. Makeover One Space in Your House
Making over a space in your house doesn’t have to cost a lot of money, and it can be really helpful for your mind and overall productivity. I knew that I needed to tackle this bookcase in our living room, so I spent a little time planning, found some cute baskets at Dollar Tree, and went to work. I encourage you to find a space and do the same! It’s made me feel so much better and made our days run smoother.
Dollar Tree Bookcase Makeover
4. Refresh Your Routine
This one might take a little bit of self-reflecting, but a small change can make all of the difference. Try picking out one part of your day that just doesn’t go as smoothly as you’d like or isn’t as “fun” as it could be, and see if you can make a small change.
For me, it was that after dinner time. My husband and I are usually both tired from the day, and I wanted to have something we could do together as a family before putting my daughter to bed. We decided that we’d start walking after dinner when the weather allows. I got my daughter a new stroller trike and she loves it! This gives us something special to look forward to each night that switches up the routine.
Here’s a list of ideas you can try to refresh your routine.
- Change up your morning routine: Try waking up earlier than usual, adding something new for breakfast, or sipping your coffee alone before everyone else gets up.
- Take a different route: If you’re used to driving or walking the same route to work or school, switch it up and take a new path.
- Read a new book or listen to a new Podcast: Don’t underestimate a good book or Podcast. Adding even just ten minutes to your daily routine to do this can make a difference.
- Rearrange a room: Sometimes a good room reset can make us feel refreshed in our routine.
- Try new food options: Look up a fun new recipe for dinner or dessert and add it to your weekly dinner menu. Or, try out a new restaurant!
- Take a break: Sometimes the best way to refresh your routine is to take a break from it altogether. Simply enjoy a quiet day at home doing something you love.
5. Clear Your Digital Clutter
People might not think about this one! Now, when I tell you that I at one point had 13,000 emails in my inbox…I am not joking. Guys, it was a major problem. But I fixed it! My phone also used to blow up all day with notifications. I made it so that I only receive notifications for the necessary things like texts and calls. I even disable Snapchat notifications and only check them on my own time!
- Notifications – go into your notifications settings and turn off any notifications that you no longer need to see each day. For example, I used to get a Target notification almost daily. I don’t need that! If you are constantly checking your phone for notifications, it can feel draining.
- Emails – if you get a thousand unwanted emails from a certain company, first off…unsubscribe! But if you still need to get rid of several emails, type “from” and then that company in the search bar. For example – “from:Target” and all of those emails will show up, then select all and DELETE!
- Pictures – here’s a quick video showing how you can get rid of duplicates on your phone. Another way you can do this is everyday search for the day that it is. Then delete any of the photos from past years of that day that you no longer want.
To sum it up, there are several things you can do that will help you feel refreshed for spring that aren’t too much work or too expensive. Even if you just pick ONE thing from this blog post, I can assure you that you’ll feel better about your environment and your mind.
Let me know if any of these tips worked for you. Leave a comment or DM me on Instagram. Happy Spring!
I love the spring and all the change it brings 🙂
I’m trying to “romanticize” my everyday life by finding something to look forward to/that I do only for myself
But I definitely need to do a digital declutter – I had managed to get to 0 emails, but now I’m over +1000 again!